Is your life touched by Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Are you a…
- Teacher looking for ready-to-use program materials?
- Parent eager to teach your son or daughter how to cook?
- Service provider running group programs?
- Group home worker teaching cooking and good nutrition?
- Someone with special needs learning to cook?
- Support worker trying to instill some independence?
- Sibling looking for activities to share with your brother or sister?
Then Coach in the Kitchen is ideal for you. And there’s nothing else like it. Anywhere.

Coach in the Kitchen is a one-of-a-kind cookbook.
Our cookbook has 290 pages of task-analysed recipes — broken into small steps, expressed in simple terms. Coach in the Kitchen is for teens and adults on the autism spectrum. These recipes are clear and easy to follow.
Coach in the Kitchen has been triple-tested by students and their coaches in the cooking school we’ve run since 2002. Though developed for those with ASD, the cookbook is perfect for anyone learning to cook.
Learn more about this cookbook and these unique recipes.
Our cooking school program for individuals on the autism spectrum.
Our unique cooking school is designed for persons on the autism spectrum. Operated in a kitchen specially built for our program, the classes accommodate 4 students and their one-on-one coaches for 8-week sessions.
The school has operated since 2002, with measurable success for a wide range of learning styles. Each class culminates in a full-course meal shared by students and coaches, where students are assisted and encouraged to develop social skills in a natural dining room environment.
Learn more about this program, and how it might be adapted for your community.