100% of charitable donations to the Autism Family Alliance go to our programs. Unlike most charities, we have no overhead costs and no salaries. Volunteers work from home, using their own equipment, resources and energy to oversee the day-to-day operations of this charity and its initiatives.
We provide official receipts for income tax purposes for all donations.
To confirm our status as a registered charity, you can check the Canada Revenue Website at: www.cra-arc.gc.ca/charities
If you prefer to make a donation by bank cheque from a Canadian bank, rather than on PayPal, please contact us for instructions by e-mail at: autism@bell.net
Canadian Residents
If you are a Canadian resident, please click on the donate button below to be directed to PayPal.
Donors Outside Canada
If you are located outside Canada, please click on the button below to be directed to PayPal.